Monday, April 29, 2013

This chick is roasted! No, really... Roasted Chickpeas!

Hello Y'all! 
I keep seeing posts for roasted chickpeas all over Pinterest, and I have wanted to try them for a while. So I gave it a shot! I got the basic recipe from Pop Sugar, but mixed my own spices. I am known for my baking, but not my cooking - but I figured since they are roasted in an oven, I could pull it off without starting a fire. Guess what? I was right!! They are freakin' delish! What a great snack - low in fat and calories; high in fiber and protein!

I love it when I find healthy snacks! Try it and fall in love! Now that I am fueled up, I am off to the gym! Keep your eyes open for another yummy recipe tonight - I want to make fresh chicken salad!...


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