Sunday, April 28, 2013

Rhinestones & Rotors?...

You may be asking yourself that very question right now... Why match rhinestones and rotors together? Wanna know why?...

A few days ago, Zeb and I decided we had to find a better way to keep family and friends updated on what we are doing. We decided that a blog would be a great way to keep everyone in the loop! Zeb and I will both be posting on here, either separately (during the deployment) or together once he is back in the good ole USA! We picked Rhinestones & Rotors as the name of our blog since it fits us perfectly. For those of you just catching up on the past few years, Zeb flies the AH-1W Super Cobra (thus the "Rotors" part)for the Marine Corps, and I am running a small business, Southern Grace Boutique, creating wedding bouquets, accessories and other custom creations with a lot of shimmer and shine (thus the "Rhinestones" part). So Rhinestones & Rotors was created!

I plan on posting an assortment of things on here ranging from craft projects and recipes to exciting news and major events. Zeb will fill you in on his posts as well. 

I am actually posting my first project on here tonight! I just finished it and I am really excited to show it to y'all! hehehe... It is childish but AWESOME! 

Thanks for dropping by!


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